

This is optical art. I used red, black and white three color to do this. When your eyes focus to this picture, would make your sight was fuzzy, that is optical art.


In my Graphic Design course, I have to learn ceramics one semester.So, I have know some technique of ceramics.This is my first one ceramics assignment, is used coiling skill to make it, when I first time to make it, I feel freshness and interesting.



This is the one assignment of Graphic Design class. I am using shooting method to do this assignment, all the photo is taken by my own and then I not used the photoshop and adobe illustrator to color or draw it, i just to adjust the brightness and contrast, except the background of sixth one is used to adobe illustrator to color. I spent a lot of thought for this assignment.



This picture is I first time took outdoor scene photograph and is for my photography class assignment, tittle is Image of Selangor. So, I choice to went Putra Jaya took this photo. After take photo finish, I get some knowledge of photography, now I know the best time to take night scene photograph is at around 7.00pm, so this photograph is not a good photograph. After this, I will to learn more in photography.

Illustration animal and human

This two picture is born from my hand and also is two assignment of my Illustration class. I draw it by color pencil, I think color pencil is easy control than other color. But, I need a long time to done it, because need many step to color it and need to look-out everyone details of this pictures. After done this assignments, i really studied the skills.


This is my color studies class assessment, is used the shape of cube shape to design and color. I used the square cube shape to be my assessment is because every time we turn the cube to left or right will present an emotion of human. The four emotion have excited, angry, sad and happy. At the middle of each side have different pattern of emotion and the Chinese words to show the meaning of this tittle. I have used the warm color scheme for the angry emotion, cool color scheme for the sad emotion, light color scheme for excited emotion and monochromatic for happy emotion.


This is when I was studying computer graphic class drawn. I am first time used Adobe Illustrator to draw a real object. While I used a lot of time and interesting for this assignment, so I learned how to draw from this assignment, I also satisfied my this project, but still need to futher studies, I will learn more about Adobe Illustrator.


相信大家都看得出是一只马吧?我用了 HORSE 这五个英文字母画出了这一只马。我本身对这个作品很喜欢,也觉得很好玩,也不会花很多的时间就可以完成了。这是蛮有趣的,在其他设计上也有可能用得上。



这就是“爱的杰作”啦~这是我画了一个 Love of Mind Map 后,再由里面选出几个图案,再混合在一起,形成另一个图案。在我的 mind map 里有包括几种不同的爱。就在这几种爱里,我得到了很多图案,也令我有了灵感画出这个图。我的作品里只可以看到有黑白灰,通常关于“爱”的图案都是粉红色,紫色,而我就是要用黑白灰来表达出爱的感觉。在图里有流星,月亮,太阳和心形。这些都是让人感到浪漫的东西,跟自己心爱的人可以一起看到流星,是件很难得的事,表达出爱的重要。一起看月亮和日出就是很浪漫的事了。我的作品里德月亮和太阳是连在一起的,象征是一对情侣,有着心形的眼睛,感觉他们很陶醉,然后头上还散发出爱,很浪漫的感觉,周围还有流星,让人觉得很幸福~我想表达的就是这样。



这是我设计的环保海报。大多数看到的环保海报都是树木,地球和动物之内的,我认为如果张张环保海报都是我以上所说的,那就会很闷了。所以,我用了西洋棋去表达环保。基本上西洋棋与环保是扯不上关系的,其实是可以的。在西洋棋里,有(棋子)马,车和兵,就因为有了这三种棋子我才选了它做我的设计。在我的设计里,(棋子)兵和车占了大部分,而(棋子)马就只有一只。(棋子)兵和车代表着人类和污染环境的车,(棋子)马就代表着动物和大自然。我的 concept 就是环境和大自然已经遭人类破坏,受到很大的影响,很多动物也纷纷频临绝种。在设计里我加上了一句“MAYBE IT WILL BE THE LAST ONE”(也许它将会是最后一只)来表达我的设计。